Ingat! Sem 2 amat penting bagi mempastikan Tajaan JPA untuk Sem yang akan datang!!..So, pls do ur BEST!
Insyallah, Kejayaan buat semua! Ameen Ya Raab..
Salam, ummi :-)
Daily Schedule: 9am-4pm : Medic lecture / 8pm-10pm : Bahasa Arab Amiyah
Pls take note: Practical Session at Anatomy Dissecting Hall, pls wear Lab Coat. Disposable Glove will be supplied for each session.
ADH session: 1st session (group 1-3): 2pm-3pm & 2nd session (group 4-6): 3pm-4pm
Monday (15th May 2009)
1. Anatomy 1 & 2 – Dr Mohd Aris
2. Embryology 2 – Dr Azam Shah
3. Anatomy Dissecting Hall –(Dr Mohd Aris/ Dr Azam/ Dr Khairullizam)
Tuesday (12th May 2009)
1. Gross Anatomy
2. Physiology 4,5,6
According to the U.S. government's newly released Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, based on 2008 data, the typical surgeon makes an average of $206,770 a year. That puts surgeons above anesthesiologists to have the best-paying job in the country.
Internists now earn a little more than prosthodontists (people who make and fit false teeth). Otherwise, the top 10 jobs rank the same as a year ago. The biggest change is a nearly $10,000-a-year drop in pay for natural sciences managers, meaning people who run labs and research facilities.