Some family even sampai b4 Maghrib lagi. We started with briefing.....biasalah cot-cet from Ummi. After that, we started the Q...dengan baggage masing2...mak datuk!...almost all excess baggage...ada yg bawa lesung..bawa beras (ni sure hal mak ayah yg takut anak depa tak makan nasi nanti...). Alhamdulillah, we managed to checked in all baggagg @ 40kg each....without any cents checkout from our pocket...alhamdulillah

ANyhow, it was really a touching moment to see students depart from parents masing2. Ummi almost brought to tears (rahsia nih...)...memang sedih ...but ..kena lah tunjuk steady...If i CRY....all mums will surely cry & banjir KLIA nanti!...